The Main Idea

Whats the main idea? That is what we were trying to workout. Using a differentiated non-fiction text about weeds, students read together and then individual had to write on seven strips of paper their seven most important points from the text. Once they had finished, students paired up and compared there fourteen points and together narrowed down their main ideas to seven they agreed upon. The final challenge as to met up again as a whole reading group and narrow our choices down once again to just seven that the whole group could agree upon. This resulted in some interesting discussion between students as the shared their own perspectives on the main idea of the text.

The Scientific Method

This trimester will be jammed packed with experiments and scientists. To get ready for science fair, students have been learning about the scientific method and how we ask questions and then perform experiments to gather data and testĀ a hypotheses. We have brainstormed our different scientific areas of interests and have decided upon experiments that we are interested in. Students have researched their topics and designed fair tests which we are looking forward to complete over spring break.

Service Learning – Deforestation

As part of the school service learning project, grades 2-5 have been learning about the effects of deforestation on our environment. We explored the reasons deforestation occurs and the effects it can have on the land, habitats and animals. To check our understanding we paired up and challenged each other in a game of Jeopardy.