Multiplication – Box Method

In Grade 2-5 we have been learning multiplication. I have been learning the box method to solve questions like 6 x 324. When using the box method I would draw a box and divide it into three parts. Above each part I would write the value of each digit in 324 above each section. So that would be 300, 20 and 4. Then I write the 6 on the left. Each in box I multiply the top number by the number of the left and write the answer in the box. So it would be 6×300 and 6×20 sand 6×4 which would equal 1800, 120, and 24. Last step is to add all the answer together to find your answer. So 6 x 324 is = 1944. I like using this method.


My favorite subject is Math and I enjoyed multiplication the best of all. Even thought I learnt my timetable facts, I felt like I need to learn a whole lot more. I loved learning the grid method for 2 digits by 2 digits questions, because I can do it fast and it is easy. But I still think the written method was a great challenge for me. I think it was a good idea to write both at the same time because I can check the grid method, go back to the written method and work out if I have made a mistake. That way, I will be confident for the multiplication test again. It was really fun and I loved multiplying using both methods during Math class.


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