Wonders of the World – Travel Agency

We finished our Wonders of the World unit by creating travel presentations as if we were a travel agency for that country. We found out lots of information about the country including where it is, the climate and weather, activities to do, interesting facts about the country and the wonder as well as the significance of the Wonder. Each grade member brought different information with them from the activities we did earlier in the trimester. We then created powerpoints and presented in front of the class. Many groups came dressed in the same colour to show we were part of the same company. Here is JJ’s account of this activity:


This month grade 2-5 have done a travel presentation. For example we would take the new 7 wonders and the person who had the same wonder as you was on your team. I had Avery, Adham and Mouza. First we would come up with our travel agency name and ours was called The Country Explorer. Then we came up with our logo. Then we found activities to do in our country. That was fun because there was an underwater museum. Then we put all the information into a powerpoint.


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