Water on Earth – Salty or Fresh?

We have been looking at water on Earth. Grade 2 and 5 completed an experiment showing the distribution of water on Earth. Grade 2 drew diagrams and wrote statements they found out and Grade 5 made a graph to represent the results. Here is Ibrahim’s account of what happened:

This month in Grade 5 we did an experiment with some water. The plan was to see how much supply of water we have in what category. We took a liter of water in a bottle and this was all of the water on Earth. We took some of that and put it in another cup labelled fresh water. We had less fresh water than salt. 1 drop went into water vapour and a little in ice. What was left in the liter bottle was salt water. We had more salt water than vapour, fresh and ice. The experiment was interesting even though we have tons of water we need to purify more. After that we did a graph showing how much more salt water is on Earth than the rest. What I liked about the experiment is that the result could be changed anytime so its not a permanent answer.



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