Lost Thing

We read The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan. We then labelled the picture of the lost thing with noun group. Finally we turned those noun groups into descriptive paragraphs.

Here are some of our paragraphs:

Nayan (Grade 3):

The Lost Thing has tiny, hairy hands on its massive, spiky body. It has a skinny, small chimney. It has round red eyes that look quickly around. It has orange, oval flaps on top of its wiggly, metallic legs. It has big, scary claws that move slowly. It has wormy, grey tentacles and flappy, see-through windows.

Audrey (Grade 2):

The Lost Thing has a strong red body. It has tiny wriggly tentacles. It has sharp shiny claws. It has a spiky head like a dinosaur. With his metal cupboards he can make things disappear.

Kelechi (Grade 5):

The Lost Thing has six metallic legs on his red smooth body. On top of his short thin mouth is his grey stiff ears. He has a prickly semi-circle head and metallic enormous hands with curved round fingers. The Lost Thing has trouble walking with his small legs and at the same time having an oversized body. It is not able to fit enough food in his mouth because it’s too thin. Its hands are too big to hold a normal person’s hands. He is unable to hug someone because his hands squeeze too tight.

Batiste (Grade 4):

The Lost Thing has a red spiky head on the top of its body and it can open and close itself like a trap door. The Lost Thing has six tiny legs on the bottom of his humongous body. On the top of its big dark red body the thing has a small exhaust that makes smoke. It has eight little doors on its body.

Reem (Grade 4):

The Lost Thing has a strong metal hand on its left side and robot claws. The squid legs on it helps it walk slow. It has a fire wiggly eye with a funky shaped nose. The deadly spiked head is very strong and sharp.

Mad Minute – Maths Facts

As part of our math routine, we spend one minute seeing if we can level up on mad minute. We see if we can complete as many equations as we can in minute to reach our next target. This focuses on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Every time we reach our target we move our rocket another space up in the race to reach the moon. We have had lots of rockets lifting off lately and those that are still on the launch pad are so close to take off.  We need to keep practicing at home and during the mad minute games in class so that every student can achieve “LIFT OFF”.

Creating the Classroom


At the beginning of the year, we sat down together and discussed our classroom and how it would run for the year. We first worked in groups to answer questions such as “Why do we have rules?” and “What is the teachers/students roles in the classroom?”. This led us to discussing what the expectations are of being in 2, 3, 4 and 5 grades.

Our next step was to decided upon the essential agreements for the classroom that we would all follow for the year. We worked independently and wrote down which seven rules we thought were the most important. Then we paired up and had to narrow down our fourteen rules to seven that we would both agree on. Finally we meet up in teams of four and narrowed down our rules again to seven. We brought our rules back and share them with the whole class and matched rules that we similar and turned them into positives ideas we could always follow in the classroom.

After narrowing down all our rules we decide upon three rules that would cover every situation we would find in the class room. They are “Be Respectful”, “Be Safe”, and “Try your Best”. These are the rules we think are the most important to make us independent, active and safe learners at school.