Daily Write


A daily write is that every day we write for 10 minutes on a certain topic. My favourite topic was when we had super-powers because I could turn invisible when I saw a dragon. Another of my favourite topics was when I wrote about squirrels fighting with lightsabers because they wanted all the nuts for themselves! – Maddy

What is energy?

In Science (Grade 4) we are working on energy and its different forms. The forms are light, heat, sound and electricity. We are also working on how one form of energy turns into another, for example electricity turns into light when it goes through the wire into the bulb. I’m excited to learn more! – Avery

Growth Mindset


This week in Growth Mindset we watched some videos of the growth of your mind. We learned that you need to exercise your brain by learning and some free time too. We learned that we need to always improve and challenges can make us stronger. The growth of your brain is very important so we need to try our best and to never give up so that we can learn more every day. I wonder what we are going to learn next? – Eloise-Michelle

Arrays and Factors



This week in Math (Grade 5) we did arrays and finding factors. When we did arrays we got to do a game but we also did proof of learning. When we were finding factors, we did worksheets, proof of learning and math chatterboxes. We did place value and value of a digit. Math was really fun but some people didn’t think so. – Carl

The Day the Crayons Quit


The book about the day the crayons quit was very interesting. So we had an activity to make a note to Duncan about complaints from his crayons. We had to act like one of his crayons. Then, we wrote in our letter how he could fix it. In our letters to Duncan we wrote a letter and drew pictures of our problem. – Kelechi


(I will edit this next week so all student’s work is named -Ms Stacy)

Types of Government


This week in Social Studies we did Governments. The Governments we did were Anarchy, Monarchy, Democracy, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Dictatorship, Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy. The activity was fun. We had to write positives and negatives about each government. I hope to do another fun activity next week. – Julia


Types of Lines



This week in Math, Grade 4 did types of lines. We learnt about rays, lines, segments and points. We played a game where we had to roll the dice, add them and match it to a type of line. You won by getting 4 counters in a row. We both won our games. We also learnt to label angles using letters. This was so we knew which one was the vertex, which was always the middle letter. We made a foldableĀ to remember the different types of lines, it had a definition and a picture to match the names. – Mouza and Jimi


This week in Science (Grade 5) we did an experiment on gravity. First we did a prediction on will the hand sanitizer fall before the pencil, the hand sanitizer fell first. Then we went on the computers and did a quiz on a big cannon and a small cannon which one will fall first but hey both fell at the same time. Then we did a quiz on Isaac Newton, first we watched a video and answered 10 questions. It was a little fun. – Amat